About Me
My name is Perry. I am a photographer from Tonbridge, Kent.
I have been enthused with photography and digital illustration since a young age, and once I bought my own camera 8 years ago I've been creating since.
Each photo I take is more about learning as it is about producing. That's the beauty of photography! It's my personal time machine, for the moments I spend pressing down the shutter I'm preserving that moment in time for life along with the memories created on that day.
My gallery is designed to show the world my love for capturing the moment and sharing this beauty with others. One of my favourite things about taking photos is being able to create my own narrative and show others what I see when I look down the viewfinder.
I enjoy a variety of different styles and genres but specifically capture, automotive, wildlife/animal and landscape. I try to not be boxed into a specific style as I feel it stifles my creativity. I enjoy to create and that inevitably gives the inspiration behind my photos.
I hope you enjoy the work I've created and it leaves you feeling mindful.
Thank you.
Camera I use:
Nikon D3400
Lenses I use:
Nikon 18mm-55mm
Nikon 50mm
Tamron 70mm-300mm